In your pharmacy environment, your employees probably have to work with hazardous drugs all the time. You could be concerned about your employees being put at risk because of this exposure to hazardous drugs, and you might be wondering which precautions you can take to help keep your employees safe. The following four steps are helpful for keeping employees safe and protected in your pharmacy environment.

1. Make Sure Dangerous Drugs are Properly Labeled

First and foremost, make sure that all dangerous drugs are properly labeled. Labeling is a simple technique that helps keep employees safe. Plus, it will help you make sure that employees pay extra attention when using these dangerous drugs to fill prescriptions and orders, so you can help make sure that all of your customers are protected from these dangerous drugs, too.

2. Make Sure Employees are Properly Trained

Proper training is of the utmost importance in any pharmacy. It is important to make sure that your employees know how to do their jobs so that they do not put your customers at risk, for example. Teaching them about proper protocols for handling and prescribing prescription drugs will also help them keep themselves safe. From time to time, consider hosting refresher training for employees who might have forgotten some of the protocols of handling hazardous drugs or so that you can share new and improved methods of handling hazardous drugs.

3. Use a CTSD System

No pharmacy is complete without a CTSD system. These closed systems make it possible for pharmacists and pharmacy employees to work with drugs without having to handle them themselves. Plus, these systems help with proper measuring and accuracy so that customers will end up with the right medication at the right dosage, all while cutting down on the amount of work that employees have to do by hand.

4. Insist on Glove Usage

It is important for your pharmacy employees to always use gloves, whether they are working with hazardous drugs or not. Not only is this one step that can help with protecting them from hazardous drugs, but it also helps with keeping the pharmacy work area clean and sanitary.

You might be worried about your pharmacy employees getting hurt while they are hard at work, particularly when they have to work with hazardous drugs. However, the tips above should make it easier for you to protect your pharmacy employees when they are working with hazardous drugs.
